Spotify Together
A bluetooth speaker for sharing music with friends.
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Music is a powerful social object that shapes the experiences we have with the people around us. How might we make music sharing moments more social, productive, and enjoyable?

94% of surveyed users listen to music while socializing.

81% of surveyed users want to add music to the queue when others are playing music.

Some users report anxiety over how their music choices will be received by others.

A social speaker should work like a jukebox, allowing everyone to see what's playing, and contribute to the mix. The upward firing speaker invites guests to gather 'round, and the jog wheel and display provide a more accessible interface than the host's phone.

The refined form is taller and skinnier, allowing the speaker to fit more places more readily. The larger display provides more real estate for high priority interactions like managing the queue.

The final concept is built around a modified version of the Spotify mobile platform with improved data visualization thanks to song-specific metrics that are currently published on Spotify's public API.

Dual drivers create a full sound profile while keeping cost down.
Wall power and charging are provided via USB type C.
The 6" touchscreen & context-aware dial offer unique and effective input directly on the device.

API metrics like danceability, energy, acousticness, and tempo provide heads-up information about the queue, and can warn partygoers of drastic changes to the mood.

Spotify Together. Never let a bad aux happen again.
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